Angel Flight Soars helps make medical care accessible for veterans - Jul 27, 2022

by Samuel Shelton | Jan 10, 2024
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Myrtle Beach, S.C. (WMBF) - The Veteran's Cafe serves up al kinds of food and all kinds of stories.

But on Wednesday, a handful of veterans didn't jsut share their experiences - but they also learned about Angel Flight.

Angel Flight Soars was started at DeKalb-Peachtree Airport in Atlanta 40 years ago and serves patients traveling to, through or from Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee.
The organization logged more than 3,500 flight last year, taking patients to treatments, surgeries and other medical appointments.

While medical care isn't always around the corner, Angel Flight Soars helps veterans get to far away destinations for free.

Bobby Tyner, a retired 53rd Combat Demolition Engineer, said he saw many Angel Flight missions and remarked on how beautiful it was to see comrades flying away.

"It's something that I'm glad and very happy to learn that if I need to and it's very possible that I might have to because I am an agent Orange victim," said Tyner, who's also a state board representative with the Orange Heart Medal Foundation. "I am a survivor, but I still have problems."

The pilots on the team volunteer with their own planes, their own fuel, and dedicate their time to show veterans they care.

The fly for Angel Flight Soars, pilots are required to have a minimum of 250 logged Pilot-In-Command hours along with an instrument rating.

Most flight flown are in single engine, four to six seat aircraft and are within 300-400 mile radius of the pilot's home base airport.

"The last flight I made, we took the wife of an Army Helicopter Pilot back to her home in south Alabama. She suffered a bone break and spent some time at the Shepard Spinal Center in Atlanta. It's very satisfying to see people improve their health," said Heal.